Blogs about Gift Cards

  1. eCommerce Gift Cards - Catalysts To Increase Holiday-Season Sales

    eCommerce Gift Cards - Catalysts To Increase Holiday-Season Sales

    The humble and ubiquitous gift card is a paradise for retailers, even more so during the holiday season. According to, 35% of the average shopper’s holiday budget is spent on gift cards. It is a telling statement on the kind of patronage that gift cards have. What makes gift cards so popular is the.

  2. eCommerce Gift Cards, Easy Alternatives For Refunds, Returns, And Exchanges

    eCommerce Gift Cards, Easy Alternatives For Refunds, Returns, And Exchanges

    US consumers were predicted to return $100 billion worth of unwanted products purchased between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Those are some painful numbers. As exciting as the holiday season is for retailers, returns and refund requests pose a major problem. Buyer’s remorse is a common phenomenon. Some purchases are impulse decisions, and the customer may not.

  3. How and Why You Should Use Digital Rewards for Workplace Gamification

    How and Why You Should Use Digital Rewards for Workplace Gamification

    Who doesn’t love games? What if you could motivate your employees using workplace gamification? With Millennials and Gen Z “hogging” the workforce, you shouldn’t be surprised employers are using games to keep them motivated and engaged. It seems like a natural progression. 79% of employees say gamification has improved their motivation and gives them a.

  4. How to Launch a Successful Referral Program for Your Small Business

    How to Launch a Successful Referral Program for Your Small Business

    Jim Rohn said, “One customer, well taken care of, could be more valuable than $10,000 worth of advertising.” Every business person out there will attest to this statement. Having your customers tom-tomming about your offerings to their friends and family is the best marketing you can ever ask for. When you have customers who have.